#addgoodness with Denny Mushrooms

I feel incredibly blessed to help @dennymushrooms spread the love with the #AddGoodness campaign.  The campaign will benefit Food Forward SA.  If you would like to make a contribution to add goodness , you can visit www.dennyaddgoodness.co.za All donations are welcome. Please can you show me how you have been adding goodness to your life. 



I have whipped up some tapas style @dennymushrooms tonight as a pre dinner starter. To make this you will need : 

2 tablespoons of olive oil 

250 g @dennymushrooms white button mushrooms

2 finely chopped cloves of garlic

2 tsp smoked paprika

4 sprigs of finely chopped parsley

 Salt and pepper to taste and a pinch of sugar.

Method: heat the oil in a sauce pan , add mushrooms for 5 mins, tossing, mixing regularly so that it evenly cooks. Add the garlic, paprika and salt and pepper and cook until mushrooms are nice and brown and juicy. Add in sugar and parsley.  I served up with fresh toasted squares and some fresh chilli. It was delicious


One of my favourite parts of my day is just before bedtime when Yuhna is almost out of energy and looks for me for comfort. We cuddle and she reads me story books until she is ready to call it a night. I am grateful that I can provide my children with a warm meal and that they go to bed each night with their bellies full. The main reason for me being on board the #AddGoodness campaign with @dennymushrooms is because of the initiative that they are linked with @foodforwardsa providing meals for those who are not as fortunate. If you didn’t manage to do your bit for #mandeladay then perhaps it would be worth your while to contribute toward this cause. No amount is too small and every bit goes to feeding those in need of a warm meal.

You can also #addgoodness in other ways, donate clothes that your kids no longer fit into to a home, drop off a food parcel to a family in need, do something simple that will help someone else.