Wrapples – the new furry, interactive best friends!

Well now there is a new toy on the shelf that combines the fun effect of slap bracelets with the adorable appeal of interactive toys to create a furry best friend called Wrapples.
Wrapples are cute, interactive toys that can be wrapped on the wrist and taken everywhere. Each wrapples features a slap band tail that fits securely on the wrist, making them as fun to wear as they are to play with!

The Wrapples love to be patted and tickled and respond with cute sounds and reactions. Their big eyes light up to match their mood – either green, yellow or blue. Wrapples are highly interactive and love to talk to children and each other. They giggle, purr and squeal with delight. Bring one Wrapples close to another and they will sing together. Putting these critters to sleep is simple, hang them upside down and they will close their eyes and have a snooze.
Chiquita Patrizi, spokesperson for Prima Toys, says that Wrapples offer kids a new generation of interactive toy that is big on the fun and nurturing factors. “Wrapples are keeping up with the worldwide trend in fun, collectible and interactive toys for children. What’s more, Wrapples are not only great to play with, but are also ready to wear. Created especially for children aged five years and older, they make excellent toy pets for both girls and boys,” she says.
There are three different Wrapples to collect in season one. Rainbow coloured Una loves to slide down rainbows, fluffy pink Princeza rules with the heart and Skyo likes everything to do with the colour blue.

Special features
Each Wrapple features over 50 sounds and reactions.
They fall asleep when upside down.
Eyes light up to match mood.
Wrapples talk to each other.
They giggle and purr when patted.
Ideal for ages 5 years and over. RSP: R399.99 from toy stores and retailers.
Check out my Instagram page today for a chance to win once of these furry friends. Www.instagram.com/crazyrio84