TRansitioning from two to three children

That transition from two children to three.  When it was just Aara and Zehna ( born 17 months apart) I thought I was tired then. I had a cheeky toddler and a newborn and no time if my own anymore.  It was all about survival. When Zehna napped, I would spend time with Aara and when both were awake and having meltdowns,  I would just brave the storm. They were mostly almost happy but we had some very interesting moments in those years. Once Aara decided to play hide and seek ( without telling us) and fell asleep in the linen cupboard. We were convinced that someone took her, we searched the house frantically, only to discover hours later, that she was asleep and cuddled up in there. 



I had no idea what three would be like. Aara showed very little emotion to the fact that there would be a new baby. Zehna was excited but she was only two, so she didn’t fully grasp what was happening. We bought gifts to sweeten the new arrival for them.  The magic happened when I first introduced baby sister to the girls. Aara took on the role of  protective older sister instantly and Zehna was pleased to have a real life doll to play with.



The first few weeks were not fun at all. Yuhna’s crying disturbed the older girls from their naps and left them grumpy. Those first 12 weeks are a blur but once we had a gurgling, interactive baby, the sisters were on board again. Three children are a handful but they manage to sort their differences out if left unattended for long enough ( applies to present day not baby stages). The house is full and lived in and we may not be able to curate our home the way, I would like to,  but the fun and memories that we make is just priceless. I would not trade it for anything .