14DecMeet barely Parenting’s FerhenshaPassionate about education and fun, colourful educational resources for children in the early developmental years,
15MarlunchboxesMonday Chicken sliders with spicy mayoCandyfloss grapesBerriesMuffinYoghurtJuiceWater Tuesday Cheese toastiesPretzelsFruitCustard boxCereal barJuiceWater Wednesday HotdogsNuts &
21FebLunch box ideasWeekly Lunchbox Menu MondayChicken TacosBlueberriesMini cheddarsYoghurt pretzel SticksJuice & Water TuesdayFry’s nuggets and saucePopcornFruitDried mangoesJuice
06NovTRansitioning from two to three childrenThat transition from two children to three. When it was just Aara and Zehna (
21OctDstv School of laughterFive months of staying within our property has definitely been one full of memories. Despite