this is hello and a very overdue one!

Hello again. It appears that you and I were definitely on a break! I am still recovering from the turbulence that was 2019. It was a very emotional one but in the end it was all about letting go of the people and habits that kept me down and were bad for the state of my mental health.
So much has happened from my last post to now that I almost feel like an entirely different person. I feel older but not in an elderly way , wiser, experienced and more alive than I have ever been. In the last three months I launched my second baby, a new company called Crazyhood. my very own line of hoodies. It has been a dream of mine for years and it probably needs it’s very own post soon. The response has been phenomenal and I am so grateful.
I have spent the last few months deep in thought. I did not want to post something on here just to be courteous and for the sake of it. My mental health took a dip because between running two businesses, three children and still managing to keep my head above water is not easy. When the schools closed for hoildays, I decided that I would shut down too. For five glorious weeks I did not look at my emails, I was present with my daughters, we lived under the sun and spent almost all day in the pool. It made my heart so happy and I felt whole again. I loved it so much that I struggled to get myself back into the routine of adulting,
We are into February and I have finally caught up with all my admin and responsibilities. I walked into 2020 with zero expectations and with a thirst for adventure. It was a no brainer when my best friend texted me to say that we should do a holiday together. In five days the adventure begins and I hope for the year ahead to be full of beautiful travel adventures. I don’t do things the conventional way so you will be in for an absolute treat.
Here are some of the things I have already packed into my suitcase:

I get these over the counter at any pharmacy, I do not enjoy long flights so I prefer to sleep through and these help me do just that. I take 2 just after take off and I have a good 8 hour snooze.

I got this travel pillow from Cape Union Mart for R299 , Hope it makes things a bit more comfy.

These block out masks from Typo!! They were two for R150!

These lightweight beautiful earrings from Luxe Leather earrings will be in my handbag so I feel pretty when I freshen up!

I have to pack lots of sunblock because obviously I need a trip that involves the sun!!
I will give you more details about my trip along with costs and any useful advice I pick up along the way. This year is all about going on adventures and creating memories!