FutHi Sefehle – The most real fitness hero you will ever meet!
I wanted to GIVE UP. I trained occasionally for 11 years but there was never a changed. I even had a personal trainer at some point. She did help alot but still some thing was missing.
6 Years ago my weight was so big, I honestly didn’t care how I looked and I didn’t love myself. My life revolved around my kids and making sure that they achieved in the extra sports. I felt so lonely and empty inside. I ended up joining my kids when they dis swimming lessons as way for me to bond with them.
A year and half ago, someone near and dear to me went through a serious illness and it took a while for them accept all the changes after their illness. I looked at myself as well and thought what if that happened to me. I really needed to change my way of thinking and how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Last October, just after doing my rounds at the pool I met a personal trainer who also had just finished his swimming training. We had a really good chat that he just asked me ‘why don’t I also include group training instead of just swimming everyday. If I was serious about losing weight, I should give that a try’. I never felt comfortable doing group exercise training because somehow there’s always that 1 person that looks at you funny or has some shady comment to say and I end up feeling uncomfortable being around people.
November came and I started my group training… I enjoyed them, like really enjoyed them but not how I felt after 2 months of training. I was always tired, had so many things to do, kids had homework and extra murals and all of a sudden I was grumpy. At times I felt like quitting but my inner voice always said ‘keep on pushing, you can do this’…
Looking back at my fitness journey, I’m so proud of myself and what I have achieved. I’m more healthier and happier with my life. I may not drop alot or look like a size 4 model but this is my journey to fitness and I want to embrace and enjoy every moment of it and hopefully motivate 1 or 2 people to start looking after themselves.
Remember : Beyonce was not build in a day, everything takes time.