Movie Review: Hustlers

I do not think words are relevant for this review. If you admire Jennifer Lopez for her rocking body and want to see more of it up close and personal then yes , this is your chance. The movie is about the life of a group of strippers in New York during the recession. There are a lot of provocative scenes, suggestive dancing, drugs and language, so if all those things are not for you, I would say that you should give it a skip. I also spent the whole movie mistaking Cardi B for Nicki Minaj. I would say this would be the equivalent of Magic Mike but for the guys. I don’t cringe easy but there were many moments that left me feeling awkward.
I will say this though, Respect to J LO for her smoking hot body, I could not help but try to search for even the tiniest sight of a stretch mark or cellulite, there is none. There were also cameos from a range of famous stars but it did not help the plot of this film at all. If you want to watch a movie about strippers with not much of a story line then this is perfect for you,